
UNM Facilities Condition Assessment Reports

UNM Facilities Management (FM) contracted with Sightlines, Inc. (now Gordian Group) to conduct a facilities condition assessment for all university facilities.

With over 12 million square feet in facilities, UNM’s assessment was completed in two phases. The first phase of the assessment reviewed 6 million square feet of Instruction & General (I&G) facilities, the second phase reviewed 6 million square feet of Auxiliary (non-I&G) facilities. The assessment included visual inspections of the buildings and interviews with the facilities technicians who service the buildings.

The phase 1 assessment confirmed suspicions the UNM Facilities Leadership Group held of having over $450 million of deferred maintenance need. The facilities condition assessment reveals individual building system repair and maintenance needs over the next 10+ years.

UNM Campus Capital & Space Planning (CCSP) has developed and prepared facilities report cards for each building included in the Phase 1 assessment. The facilities data included in the report cards are an initial step in developing a strategic plan for the university facilities, in terms of major facility renewal and repair, as well as on-going maintenance.

Please note:
The Facilities Condition Assessment site requires a login or invitation.

Please contact CCSP at to learn more about the facility condition assessment.

Space Utilization Study

Space is an important and costly asset of the University of New Mexico. University space is used in many ways to achieve our multiple missions.

A Space Utilization Study tells us how often a space is used, who uses it and why it’s being used. This study will help us to improve our understanding of how our space is currently utilized and ways to improve how we use our space now and in the future.

Please contact CCSP at to learn more about the Space Utilization Study.